Services: Secure
Joomla! Website Security with Web Application Firewall

Security Package
1 year

  • Yearly
  • Security
  • $100
  • Yearly
  • Joomla Security Package for $250.00* for the first year - includes the first year subscription to the package and installation, setup, and configuration of the extension - the second year is billed at the end of the first year, renewing annually at $100.00* per year. I highly recommend this package for every Joomla website. Even if you don't get a maintenance package, at the very least, get this security package!

    * price subject to change without notice.

    This package includes the following paid, and free, security extensions for Joomla:

  • Yearly Subscription
  • One-Time Setup Fee
  • Security Check Pro (subscription)
  • Security Check Pro Definitions Database updates (subscription)
  • Security Check AntiSpam (subscription)
  • Security Check Pro Web Application Firewall (subscription)
  • SecurtyCheck Pro Analytics (subscription)
  • Akeeba Backup Pro (subscription)
  • ACL Manager
  • Emergency Malware Removal/Cleanup
Setup Fee: $150.00
Term: 1 Year
Price: $100.00
Duration: 12 Months
Terms: By signing up for this plan, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth: This term plan has a one-time setup fee to install is for 12 Months and is charged over that term on a yearly basis until that term expires, at which time, you can renew for another term. Note: There are no refunds on our Maintenance Plans.
Payments: 1

This package includes the following paid, and free, security extensions for Joomla:

  1. Security Check Pro (subscription)
  2. Security Check Pro Definitions Database updates (subscription)
  3. Security Check AntiSpam (subscription)
  4. Security Check Pro Web Application Firewall (subscription)
  5. Akeeba Backup Pro (subscription)
  6. ACL Manager